Operating a vehicle comes with great responsibility. While driving may grant us freedom, it also introduces us to many risks. Over time drivers can become complacent and give in to bad driving habits. The Federal Highway Administration estimated that in 2022 there were over 42,000 deaths from motor vehicle crashes in the United States. While not every accident will result in death or injury, it is important to adopt safe driving habits. Infinity Insurance Agency, Inc. (IIA) understands the importance of shaking off bad driving habits. Adopting bad driving habits from speeding to tailgating can potentially lead to more accidents, increased insurance rates, and even legal consequences. Let IIA walk you through the 10 more common bad driving habits and offer you tips and information on how to identify and correct them!
Read on to discover how to drive with more care, caution, and focus!
Distracted driving
One of the most pervasive and dangerous bad driving habits is distracted driving. Distracted driving can be defined as any behavior or activity that takes your attention away from driving. Whether it is answering a text or eating a sandwich, anything that draws your focus from the road can lead to a reduced reaction time and potentially increase your likelihood of an accident.
The following are all considered different categories of distracted driving:
- Visual distractions - Any distraction that takes your eyes off the road, example rubbernecking or falling asleep.
- Manual distractions - Any distraction that takes your hands off the wheel, example applying makeup or eating a snack.
- Cognitive distractions - Any distraction that takes your mind off driving, example speaking to a passenger or changing the music.
What is the antidote to distracted driving? Awareness and focus! Plan out your route, music, and GPS ahead of time. Avoid multitasking and opt to use hands-free devices or set your phone on driving mode or do not disturb.
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Faster is not always better! Driving above the posted speed limit is not only illegal but potentially dangerous. You should try to tailor your speed to the road conditions, taking time to drive slower and more cautiously in poor weather or high-traffic situations. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), other potential negative consequences of speeding include possibly reducing the effectiveness of safety equipment inside the vehicle, a greater likelihood of loss of control of your vehicle, and increased severity of a collision. Pay attention to posted speed limits and learn how to use your car’s cruise control.
Equal parts obnoxious and dangerous, tailgating is a bad driving behavior everyone should avoid. Tailgating is defined as driving too closely behind another vehicle. While this behavior may seem rude, it holds the power to be dangerous. Not leaving enough room in between cars can lead to an increased chance of rear-end collisions. For example, if you are stopped at a light, you should leave enough room in front of you that if someone hits your car from behind, they would not cause a chain reaction by hitting the car in front of you. A popular way of calculating a safe distance is by using the 3-second rule. This can be achieved by traveling at least 3 seconds behind the vehicle in front of you. So, once the back of the vehicle you are following passes a marker, it should take at least 3 seconds for the front of your vehicle to reach the same marker. If you are driving in adverse conditions, you should double this distance.
Failing to signal
Unfortunately, other drivers do not know what we are thinking or where we are headed. Signaling is more than just good manners, it allows other drivers to know ahead of time if you plan to stop, turn, change lanes, or even pull over. Using your turn signals can decrease the risk of accidents and should be done even when no other cars are visible.
Aggressive driving
Road rage or aggressive driving is never acceptable. Aggressive driving behaviors can include actions such as weaving through traffic, honking excessively, or simply erratically operating your vehicle. Driving aggressively increases the stress of all those around you and can increase the likelihood of a collision or accident. Weaving in and out of traffic may seem like it will get you to your destination faster, but this type of behavior saves minimal time. If you are feeling stressed or anxious about driving, pull over and breathe deeply allowing the sensation to pass. Try to plan your routes ahead of time and avoid actively engaging with aggressive drivers.

Running red lights and stop signs
It can seem tempting to run through a yellow light or merely pause at a stop sign, but these minute actions are serious traffic violations. Avoid a probable ticket and/or an increase in your insurance premium by heeding all posted traffic signals. At all stop signs come to a complete stop for three full seconds and give yourself ample time to watch for any approaching traffic. Do not try to run a yellow light, or trying to squeeze through an intersection before it turns red.
Improper lane changes
Signaling is not just for turns! Appropriately using your signals when changing lanes helps alert other drivers to your actions and can decrease the risk of collisions. Always check your mirrors and blind spots before changing lanes and only attempt to do so when it is safe.
Not yielding the right of way
While right-of-way laws vary from state to state, there are many situations where the driver must yield to a pedestrian, cyclist, or other driver. Familiarize yourself with your state's right-of-way rules and always proceed with regard for safety. Attempt to establish eye contact with others on the road to minimize instances of miscommunication and prevent accidents.
Driving under the influence
Driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol is never acceptable. While this behavior is illegal in every state, the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility reported that alcohol-impaired driving fatalities accounted for 32% of the total vehicle traffic fatalities in 2022. This type of negligent behavior can lead to severe legal penalties and a high risk of fatal accidents. Using substances while driving can affect your perception, coordination, and judgment leading to an inability to drive safely. Instead of drinking and driving, utilize a designated driver, public transit, or rideshare service.
Driving safely may seem obvious, but over time even the best drivers can acquire poor habits. From tailgating to failing to signal, it is important to be aware of bad behaviors that will most likely put ourselves and others at risk.
Another part of being a respectful and safe driver is obtaining the correct auto insurance. The qualified team at Infinity Insurance Agency Inc. can work with you to find the right coverage, call us today at 1-855-478-3705 to receive a free auto estimate!
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